Behavioral Health Professional Preparation Scholarship

The Behavioral Health Professional Preparation Project (BHPPP) provides students a $5,000 scholarship per academic year ($2,500/semester). Scholars participate in an interdisciplinary cohort that fosters community building and networking among students and seeks to address the behavioral health needs of the community. This scholarship was created to support students pursuing careers with behavioral/mental health agencies, addiction treatment providers, and veteran services. *First-generation college students and/or veteran status students are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applicants must be:
1) Senior year undergraduate students (90 – 120+ completed credits) in one of the following majors: Human Services, Integrative Health Care, Psychology or Social Work
First year graduate students (0 – 30 completed credits) in one of the following programs: Master of Science in Clinical Behavioral Health (emphasis in Addictions Counseling), Master of Social Work
2) Registered for concurrent field experience during the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters
3) In good academic standing (minimum GPA 2.67 undergraduate; minimum GPA 3.0 graduate)

Scholarship recipients will:
1) Attend monthly meetings with the interdisciplinary cohort: goal to identify and propose solutions for a current issue in the field.
2) Participate in relevant concurrent experience: internship and/or approved professional development activities.
3) Complete a scholarship passport requiring: professional development, community building and networking, interdisciplinary learning, and career readiness.
4) Present at a spring semester showcase event: highlight interdisciplinary solutions addressing community needs.

College of Health and Human Sciences, College of Letters Arts and Sciences, First Generation Students, Graduate Students, Integrative Health Care, Psychology, Social Work, Veterans
Supplemental Questions
  1. If an undergraduate student, declared major:
  2. Are you registered for concurrent field experience during the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters?
  3. Expected MSU Denver graduation date (semester/year):
  4. Are you a U.S. Veteran or active military?
  5. Will you enroll in an internship/practicum/field placement course during the 2024-25 academic year? If yes, please indicate course name, number(s) and semester.
  6. Is an internship required for your major?
  7. If an internship is required, what are your estimated hours per week?
  8. Do you agree to participate in all required scholarship programming components (see description above)?
  9. Please describe your commitment and passion for working in the field of behavioral health and/or addictions treatment. Please keep responses to 200-300 words.
  10. Please tell us about your personal and/or professional DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) work and how you plan to incorporate those efforts into your internship. Please keep responses to 200-300 words.
  11. What is the greatest barrier or obstacle to achieving your professional goals? How can this scholarship program help you navigate that barrier or obstacle? Please keep responses to 200-300 words.
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