Art Department Travel Endowed Scholarship

To help further the art education of students in the Art Department at MSU Denver by allowing the recipient the opportunity to access visual stimuli and/or research material outside of his/her daily environment.

• Be an art major
• Have a 3.2 or greater major GPA
• Have 60 credit hours completed
• Submit the generic MSU Denver scholarship application to the Financial Aid Office
• Applicants must submit a 500-word statement of intent, This statement should include an outline of the relationship of the travel to the student’s studies in art, a description of the student’s measurable objectives which will be achieved ifs/he receives the award, and the reasons why the travel is necessary to their success. These objectives will be used to assess the academic value of the application. Students in non-studio disciplines should discuss the research opportunities available at their travel destination. The statement of intent must be accompanied by an itemized budget for the proposed travel. If a request exceeds the amount of the award, applications which explain how the additional funds will be acquired will be given priority.

Art, College of Letters Arts and Sciences, Study Abroad
Supplemental Questions
  1. Applicants must submit a 500-word statement of intent, describing: relevance of travel to studies, measurable objectives and reasons why the travel is necessary for success (Further details available from the Art Department).